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Installation Tools & Accessories

You're installing cove base or carpet base, great! Do you have the necessary tools or adhesive to get the job done? If not, we can help with that. We carry all the tools and adhesives you need to finish your project. Affordable and easy to use!


3 Inch Adhesive Applicator Nozzle
Master SKU: 53-0008
Three inch nozzle helps spread cove base adhesive to make cove base installation clean and easy.

Our price: $4.09
Market price: $4.99 save 18%
(0 reviews)  
Cove Base Adhesive Gun
Master SKU: 53-0020
Cove base adhesive gun with ratchet for installing cove base.

Our price: $25.99
(0 reviews)  
Cove Base Groover
Master SKU: 53-0005
Easily score cove base with this handy cove base groover to make outside corners.

Our price: $29.99
(0 reviews)  
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